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Medical tourism

State Autonomous Public Health Institution «Volgograd Regional Dental Polyclinic», Volgograd is a leader in the dental market of the city of Volgograd and the Volgograd region

The «Volgograd Regional Dental Polyclinic» has always been the flagship of the dental service of the region

The high level and safety of medical services is guaranteed by an advanced quality management system, which is confirmed by ISO certification

Our main goal: the high level, quality and safety of medical dental services.

Today the clinic provides a full range of dental services:

  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • Surgical dentistry, and implantology
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment
  • Orthopedic stomatology
  • Orthodontics
  • Radiovisiography, orthopantomography

View the price list of paid medical and non-medical services

Algorithm for contacting a medical organization for a foreign patient

Contact Information:

+7 (8442) 23-41-65

+7 (8442) 23-15-93

+7-969-659-65-05 (information service)

E-mail -

Additional Information